Sunday, July 05, 2015

Pope Francis speaks of melancholy. It is more than a mild depression. This is from a graduate course at the University of Virginia.

But of course, (click here) this is the problem: the relationship between madness and melancholy can be viewed as similar, cumulative, or absolutely distinct. In the first case, we look at melancholy and madness as both participating in a similar, slightly skewed dialogue between the body and soul. One component is sensibly affected and begins to affect the other which in turn affects the first. Feeling falls into a feedback loop which can no longer discern origin or intensity of feeling. In the second case, melancholy is the beginning of or potential for madness; the melancholic individual is naturally more sensible, and becomes, if context allows, more and more sensible. The acuteness of feeling can increase and increase until the capacity for diverse experience gives way to painful intensity and madness. In these first two cases melancholy and madness are potentially good or bad. While madness or melancholy remove one from community, they give one the opportunity to comment from outside on that same community, inviting those inside to learn a new language with which to speak in. Madness then invites an oppressive, unfeeling society to restructure itself after the prophetic moment of sensibility. 

The website goes on to discuss examples of melancholy. But, what I found interesting is the fact melancholy is never discussed in the USA as if it doesn't exist. 

Melancholy can remove a person from living to a state of longing despair. Melancholy can come from a source that is obscure and uncertain. In modern USA there has to be a reason for everything otherwise it is not marketable. There has to a cure. Melancholy doesn't really have a cure as it has no identifiable cause.

The internet has the ability to create such a paradigm. "Living on the net" can estrange a person from life and reality. It is possible to build a world of unreality. 

Society has to be aware of it's unreality to balance it with the real life issues, otherwise, humanity finds a blind ally it's end and quite possibly a fatal end. 

The media which portrays the undead and cataclysmic scenarios on the big screen bring about a feeling of dread. Rather than empowerment one feels more removed from the reality of living in 2015 than ever before. It is my opinion real life scenarios exist from these altered ideas of danger and societies wellness. What comes to mind for the USA is the gun culture and it's massively adverse outcomes.

Guns create more than clubs of those seeking to be expert shooters. Guns have created the culture of fear which has pitted one American against another. The ideas that floated through George Zimmerman's imagination of a young black man walking through the housing complex clearly illustrates the radical alteration of reality that exists. 

The shooting death of Tamir Rice is a scene of horror. A child playing with a toy gun is killed because of the unreality that surrounded him. The USA has become a country of unreality that persists into it's political dogma and rhetoric.

The unreality of the USA goes beyond it's gun culture, but, enters into the world of neglected responsibility when it comes to global environmental issues and the role the USA plays in causing hardship to it's own citizens and to others.