Monday, July 13, 2015

Hillary says, "Put familes first."

She gave a great speech that just ended. She has ideas. They are her ideas. Her approach to the USA economy is fair growth, sustained growth and collaboration between all citizens to benefit the best outcomes for the American people.

Each of her ideas is self supporting to work and not disappear. She is focusing on the entire spectrum of citizens, but, much of that focus is on young Americans that were left behind in past Republican economies. 

It will work. She has some great statistics.

The youngest Americans; the newborn to five years old when provided quality child care and read to by parents and caregivers alike results in twenty five percent higher incomes as an adult. Wow. That is a really good perspective. It makes sense as it comes from a lady that has been a child advocate all her career.  

She spoke about college debt and the ability of Americans to achieve their dreams. She states the college debt puts a drag on the USA economy and has to be evaluated for a better outcome for America and those that trusted their focus in education to provide a great life. Young Americans were promised a future if they educated themselves and now they are burdened in ways they cannot reach for the American Dream.

She states while technologies provide new jobs and opportunity, the USA cannot ignore the blue collar workers and their importance to the economy. No longer will American labor be polarized between tech advances and labor. The importance of American labor has to be a long term strategy and not a short term profit to hedge funds. She sees long term investment as the key to a sustainable economy and upward movement of the middle class. She is correct. The strength of the middle class is based in long term strategies of wealth. She also sees profit sharing as a method to build on a sustainable middle class and stability for investments.

She sees a daily responsibility to protect and grow the American middle class. She states her daily priority to the middle class will bring alive the impacts of policy and how it effects the economy and a stable and thriving middle class. 

She wants to hold responsible the individuals that have caused banks and organizations to break the law. The fines will remain for business practices that include working with drug cartels, but, the CEOs allowing such practices will face prison as well. 

She wants to raise the income of Americans. Stated was the concern of empty promises of Republicans such as Marco Rubio who believe reducing taxes on the Americans paid $3 million per year will result in economic growth. The tax cuts Senator Rubio proposes will result in $300,000 less in taxes to the US Treasury that will increase the national deficit and national debt.

Hillary Clinton wants to reform the tax code, but, with reform that will build the economy such as a $1500 tax credit for each person a business hires and trains into sustainable jobs. She points to the fact Republicans, like Rubio, respect the demands of high paid lobbyists while the Middle Class has no lobbyist to bring equity to them as they work their jobs. 

She made a statement that caused me pause, but, she is correct. The people that benefit most from unions are men. To date a full one third of inequality among men is caused by the destruction of unions. In recognizing the important place men have in their households there will be no more undermining of bargaining power that is used to reduce wages. The attacks on union bargaining power is mean spirited and unguided that causes damage to the men of the middle class. 

The chart below (click here) shows the 10-year growth rates in actual and potential GDP since 1949 (the first year that data are available).

She didn't stop there in recognizing the impact of bad policy of both genders.

Secretary Clinton states women are responsible for $3 trillion in growth in the current economy.

She pointed to the fact there was a significant contribution by women, but, the fact is plain; the USA has fallen in GDP. When third in the world, the USA has dropped to 96th today. The USA has a strong economy, but, still isn't enough to spawn sustainable growth that insures the employment of all Americans. Over the decades before the USA has lost GDP and not gained it. She sees her collaborative effort stabilizing any fall in GDP while turning the corner on permanent economic growth for the USA.

Hillary Clinton completely rejects old rhetoric as ideology that simply hasn't produced the economy the USA needs. She states this is 2015 and what might have worked in the past isn't work today and Americans know that. 

She sees the American middle class growing with affordable child care, continued vigilance and policy that will focus on health care and education from Pre-school to graduation from a university. She stresses the importance of early engagement of our youngest people because by age three a person's brain reaches it's maximum function. She wants to see brain research to continue because it benefits the youngest and oldest Americans. 

She lauds the effect of women on our country and how important fair pay will improve their outcomes. She sees President Obama's initiatives as important, but, they need to be expanded to include brevity of the American Dream to Americans and real incentives for savings. According to Hillary women should have options if they choose to work after child birth. Paid leave is important, but, also options of the type of work should include broad potential for women.   
Former Secretary Clinton views our minorities as the most victimized among us. The minorities in the USA have the burden of impoverishment with far higher statistics in unemployment and economically stranding them to lose ground on income and wealth equality. 

She demands immigration reform and addresses the Undocumented as important Americans. She states the current population of Undocumented works very hard to earn their way in the USA. Once they are provided a way to citizenship their contribution of $7 billion over ten years to the USA economy will leave the Republicans wondering why the country didn't bring them aboard more than a decade before. 

I am quite sure while my notes are extensive to a well thought out speech regarding the economy under the Clinton presidency, there is much I left out. But, to summarize, the Clinton Administration will bring about a well defined middle class that is sustainable and able to achieve the American Dream. She sees education beginning at pre-school through life long learning a preparedness strategy for a very healthy people and their economy. She wants to destroy income and wealth inequality. Basically, she sees income inequality as Un-American (my words, not hers). Her speech really did portray income inequality as a moral issue the USA cannot fail surmounting.

The Clinton Administration would break down barriers to opportunity at every turn and focus on thousands of lost dollars to a middle class family because women are paid poorly. She sees a huge difference between the economy of opportunity she maps out and the old rhetoric of Republicans that continues to give preference to the wealthy without a single dollar of tax relief for the middle class. She also views the rhetoric as self-inflicted wounds. There will also be active enforcement of laws when it comes to the financial sector and the manipulation that occurs on nearly a daily basis. The regulators are going to have to do their work and enforce the law.

Recovered monies from law breaks will go to special funds to improve infrastructure in the USA and/or refund checks to citizens that all too often shoulder the burden of the financial sector criminality. 

Hillary Clinton views trade as an asset to the USA economy and not a drag on it. She wants a higher bar to trade agreements and when that is not meet by the other country the USA will walk away from any agreement. She sees the USA building things that will market well in international markets. She also sees USA research and development as key to new products that will market domestically and internationally such as precision medicines.

The American Family is to be valued by the Clinton Administration whereby they have a good income that insures the American Dream with education for children that will bring about better of quality of life in the long term with good jobs when they enter the work force. 

I liked it. I also believe it is real. She isn't handing out old fashioned rhetoric, but, instead a call to collaborate and growth which includes fairness.