Monday, June 29, 2015

Bubba Buttholes in Dalton, Georgia. And proper southerners would understand the status of butthole.

Are they on their way to a cartoon festival?

In South Carolina Governor Haley stated the governor represents all the people and brings the brevity of removing the confederate flag from government grounds. She stated all aspects of the flag and the time of the flag will have a place in a museum. She also stated, the private use of the federal flag is not impinged upon.  

If people are going to have a truck parade with the purpose of displaying the confederate flag, they join the ranks of all those 'special' organizations such as the KKK. The KKK is offensive and the confederate flag displayed by men that don't care about the dignity of others are equally offensive. It is a social judgement and it is allowed.  

No one in this country is forced to accept offensive anything simply because it is allowed within the public realm. Offensive is legal in benign ways. Crimes are a different level of offensive and should be taken seriously.  

There are hate songs out there that oppose the "Rebel Flag." It would be real nice if a country western star would write and sing a song about retiring the confederate flag in recognition of the great country we are under the red, white and blue.