Sunday, May 17, 2015

The sexism surrounding the Former Secretary of State is going to stop right now.

"Both the Clintons have EARNED $25 million in just the last year and a half."


Income inequality? Not if one is trying to prepare for and assist in her own campaign.

And the Former President Clinton is not running for office. I think he is such a strong political figure in this country he needs to take a back seat with his wife able to lead her own campaign. This is not President Clinton's third term. Nor is he interested in state secrets to use in his own foundation. 

I don't know how one discerns what are state secrets from a former president. He knows so much already I am sure he can simply pick up a lot from the reference point as president. What I am sure of is that he will consider the best place for his loyalty to Hillary and carve out a place by her side.

Mrs. Clinton is making statements about her policies and if they differ from that of her husband, she is unapologetic. She is going to have a different point of view. She is after all a woman. She is allowed to see the world through her own eyes. If anyone compares her to her husband's policies it is sexist.

When it comes to her earnings, the ONLY aspect of her earnings (and I wish it were mine) anyone needs to know is that she has reported ALL HER INCOME to those that oversee the elections in the USA. As long as she has provided legal status to her finances there is nothing else that is a concern. 

Former President Bill Clinton left office with every country in the world asking for him to continue to be relevant. Quite an honor. He was highly regarded in office and that continued when he left. The Clinton Foundation is his way of being a part of a global network to assist countries to a better domestic quality of life. He nor his wife are that unusual for presidential families. The Former President Carter and the Former First Lady Carter are still relevant to their own missions.

I image Bill will be a dedicated spouse and attend all sorts of activities where his wife will be involved. They do love each other and want to spend at least part of their time together in the face of the demands of a campaign. The former president is a devoted spouse. They have been married since October 11, 1975. If that isn't dedication then I don't know what is.

He was with her during her Senate campaign and I imagine when he is not working for his foundation we'll see him on the campaign trail. I am sure he'll take a more supportive roll now that he has set the record straight about any gossip this past week.

Hillary Clinton has worked all her life in service to the people of this country from the day she graduated from her college career. She worked to protect children and elevate their legal status through recognition of their vulnerability. And that was just the beginning. 

I never really commented on the 2008 Democratic Primary on this blog. It was between incredible people that each needed to be heard. I had disagreements with neither of them. The outcome placed our first African American president in the White House and it was the right choice for the country at that time. 

The Democratic primary, with Mrs. Clinton coming in behind the current president, is not to diminish her dedication to this country. She is an incredible woman and highly moral in her approach to governing. That is what counts. When she makes decisions as POTUS she will bring her values and her ability to balance all concerns and make ethical, moral and necessary decisions.

When it comes to income inequality I am confident it weighs heavily on the decisions she will make. To be fair, Senator Sanders has stated Hillary is new to income inequality. I don't really think income inequality was a topic for the 2008 primary or elections. The DNC convention began on August 25, 2008 and while there were certainly signs of Wall Street stresses, it wasn't 'in your face' type of awareness yet. 

The first obvious symptom to the American public was the day Lehman Brothers could no longer survive and that occurred Mid-September of 2008. The downhill snowball became gigantic very fast. By end of September the Democrats were upset and refused the $700 billion bailout. The bill would pass about a week later.

The point is income inequality as so many of the problems facing Americans today drastically came into focus after the bailout followed by the reality the banks would not loan money to Americans or small businesses. It wouldn't be until the Recovery Act and the funding of the SBA that the economy stated to turn around. That was over four months of job losses and home foreclosures. 

At any rate, Senator Sanders has been a champion for the Middle Class for a very long time. That is the heart of Vermont. But, the world of the 2008 primary and that of 2016 is vastly different. Hillary Clinton is sensitive to that reality and is talking about relevant issues.

The events of 2008 were not dismissed by her as a 'oops.' She ran for the presidency and what did she say? "I just don't want to see the country fall back." That is being a hero. That was greatness talking. It is her own moral center and I feel comfortable with it. She may have been realizing Wall Street was having weaknesses when she stated that, too.

I am confident the Democrats have two great candidates so far. It should be interesting. I like what has occurred thus far.