Friday, April 03, 2015

Return to and growing the garden of eden.

About fifteen years ago when the impending environmental disaster was more or less certain, I wanted to find a way for people or nations to fund large projects like dams and irrigation. Basically, I wanted to return the Garden of Eden to Ethiopia. 

Everyone I talked to told me, no. They said it would be a waste when so much of the land was drought stricken and the people needed help now. I could not get people to understand how making Earth green would help push the negative feedback loop of the Climate Crisis into a positive spin rather than a void of despair. No matter how I tried I could not get people to see past the next few years of humanitarian funding to find a path for restoration of chlorophyll to land. 

That is exactly what has to be done. Humans have to put chlorophyll over as much of the land masses as possible. It will be necessary in the future as much if not more than today.

I was thrilled when the Nobel Peace Prize went to a brilliant woman from Africa. She IS on the right track. She is growing trees and sustaining their viability. Everyone should follow her example.