Thursday, February 26, 2015

There is Ad Hoc rule making in the US House to pass illegitimate legislation.

The problem is abortion among those under 18 and can find counseling for high risk young people in their schools. The rule with self executing abortion language removes any presentation of alternatives, even adoption from any student.

Having a rule in the government at any level that REMOVES LANGUAGE is unconstitutional. 

This rule would covetly work within legislation to remove language AFTER THE FACT when it is passed. So, Congresspersons would be reading a bill and voting on it without knowing what it would say after it was passed. 

The House Rule undercuts the US Constitution and places any and all legislative processes are compromised. I told ya, this is a bloodless coup. It can't be denied now. The was entered at the last minute to the rules committee and passed without debate.

The word abortion currently attached to the House Rule simply sets a precedent for expansion of that scope. 

The rule also crosses all boundaries of federal government. It is carried from the House to the Senate into the Executive Branch.

It is a coup. I'm convinced with this.