Sunday, February 15, 2015

Any brain insult be it a disease and/or injury is considered brain injury.

The brain is a complicated organ. In the case of this disease there is both an injury followed by a degenerative PROCESS. We have to do everything we can to protect from brain injury and interrupt any degenerative process. 

There are many paths that will have to be engaged to end this terrible tragedy of this disease of football players.

First there will have to be a more intense study of the impacts of football players. Impact is physics. Modern sports medicine should know about the physics of the game and it's impact injuries. The impact injuries now includes brain trauma.

The research into preventing repeated impact is to realize the best way the velocity of a football player can be trained to minimize the result of impact on the brain. 

Velocity is velocity. There can be techniques that can be taught by coaching staff to reduce brain trauma. With research into the mechanics of tackling and falling techniques to dissipate velocity over distance by rolling could reduce the trauma to the brain. Remember, the brain floats in a fluid, it is when the brain is suddenly forced against the bone that brain trauma/injury occurs. This disorder does not occur anywhere expect football, at least that we know. That means gymnasts that twist and turn and jump and land are doing it in such a way they are no sustaining brain injury. Why can't a football player learn to move and fall and land in ways that are not injurious?

I think a strong and lean body also improves any chance of dissipating the velocity of injury because muscle supports the body. Muscles can take impact and bounce back from the impact ABSORBING some of that shock. Bone won't do that. Bone is hard and will TRANSMIT velocity, but, muscles will act as a shock absorber.

Additionally, I think football players have to maintain a healthy diet that supports their brain while in training and during the season of playing. If a player supports brain health from early on will it prevent degeneration even if an injury occurs? My instincts tell me yes. But, they also need to have that brain healthy diet into retirement as well. With the building blocks in the diet can the brain function better and degenerate less? 

We need to take these problems seriously. We are the USA and we can about all our people. We want them to be happy all their years, not just a few years. 

I am hopeful. I sincerely believe we already have this disease on the run and the future will hold more and more promise. This comes at a time when President Obama has set the country on a path to investigate the brain and the disease that beset it. He has asked the scientific community to find treatments. 

Mr. Dorsett was the first player I heard stating he was going to be well again. I think a positive outlook is necessary in treating any disease, but, certainly when it comes to treating the brain all those positive juices are best to meet the day with this level of challenge. '

We know geneticists have already grown nerve tissue in a Petrina dish. Anyone for a transfusion of brain cells? 

Stem cells have proven when placed with mature cells they will grow new tissue. This is tomorrow, but, it has to begin sometime.

There is much to be done and hope has to be a place where we all live to make the dream of recovery and prevention come true. 

I like Mr. Dorsett. I want him to be able to tell stories of his days in football for a long time. I am glad he is a spokesperson to bring about a better outcome for those already ill with this disease and those currently playing and the young folks who love the game. There is no doubt he is a great man and he has capacity to be greater. 

Good luck.