Thursday, August 28, 2014

The States that care about the lives and the quality of life of their children have a challenge before them.

My "Bucket List" includes never finding an Uzi anywhere inside the borders of the USA. It is a benign wish. 

The wish of a child to fire an Uzi is not a benign wish. The gun industry has the problem. Their product is not benign within a democracy. It's product brings harm to others with values very different than the national value of domestic peace. 

How much danger does a society ALLOW to exist within it's borders and as the population of the USA increases how realistic is it to continue the values of violent bucket lists as if benign to the outcomes of our families?

The gun industry through politicking has been exonerated from responsibility for it's products and distribution. It is time that changes.

Was tobacco within our borders benign? Well, then.