Sunday, August 10, 2014

So, NASA is going to play god.

The atmosphere of Mars is about 100 times thinner than Earth's, and it is 95 percent carbon dioxide.

Reality check. If NASA has perfected a CO2 separator the details need to released to the public and it's first deployment should be right here on Earth. I can't imagine what a CO2 separator is going to look like because CO2 doesn't react with much, so there is some kind of catalyst reaction with something like a platinum plate.

That said, Earth did not develop it's atmosphere's by a CO2 separator. Earth's atmospheres were FOUNDED by physics in a process called accretion. Don't understand accretion, then read about it. (click here) 

Earth spins round and round, right? It not only spins round and round, it spins around the sun. All those dynamics have a remarkable resemblance to the same spinning motion of a single atom. 

As the Earth was spun out of a nebula and then found an orbit around Sol, it developed it's own orbit and gravity and captured a moon. As Earth continued to spin and rotate around Sol it cooled. As it cooled the denser materials created the Inner Core which is believed to be mostly Iron and Nickel (click here). As the rest of the ELEMENTS (the 103 variety of the period table) were sucked in by Earth's gravitational (what are magnets made of? Iron) and magnetic pull the lighter elements formed the atmospheres of Earth. This is a one time shot at making a planet WITHIN the Habitable Zone around Sol. Humans CANNOT repeat this process. Earth is precious and cannot be duplicated.

Admittedly, Mars is a somewhat greater distance from Earth, but, the solar rays reaching Mars are still significant. So, for human beings to play god and have atmospheres that actually are livable as if on Earth there needs to be an ozone layer. Now, is the CO2 separator is initially going to fly around Mars sprinkling fairy dust in the form of O3 first. Or. Is NASA's estimation one that if they start sprinkling fairy dust in the way of 02 on Mars surface by the time Mars survives Sol's supernova, it should be ready as an 'exit planet' for human beings. Because a supernova is the only thing that will bring Mars close enough to Sol and even then it is most likely going to be like Mercury. No one will have to worry about melting Mar's water sources, it will boil off.

So, considering this is completely unrealistic and Mars formed by accretion as well and it is far colder in temperature than when it first existed, it is safe to say, there probably once was life on Mars in the way of bacteria, but, today everything is dead due to the chilling reality of Mars today. 

So, let's get down to it, shall we? The CO2 separator isn't at all about creating an atmosphere(s) for friendly settlement by humans; at the very best it will be tested to see if the Pup Tent the Astronauts will bring with them can hook up to it and breath 02. Right? 

NASA should know by now the American Public is where they recruit scientists and we ain't as stupid as we seem simply because Veronica Mars is a superstar.