Tuesday, August 26, 2014

She is a feminist. Feminist is about empowerment and B's sexuality is not victimizing.

She is an entertainer. She lives her life well as a professional with a family. 

I have no problem with her being a roll model for young adult women. Her figure is full and she is a healthy person. Isn't that what we all want for our young people? Growing up healthy and happy and unafraid of the beauty of their bodies. 

Women don't have to be attractive to a man? Really? Not every women has to look as attractive as "Bea," but, they owe it to themselves to be a woman, feel like a woman and be happy. "Bea" is a beautiful woman. We should all be so lucky. I know if she could wave a magic wand she would make every woman as beautiful as she desires. Genetics. Live with it, babe.