Wednesday, August 14, 2013

This was the sky yesterday, August 13, 2013 at "Day Farm."

Those are mesocyclonic clouds at the lower end of the cloud, near the horizon.

Day grew hay and corn (click here) to feed his 400 hogs and prize herd of 200 Holsteins. The farm is just south of Glen Haven and has a large white barn and several out-buildings that stand as a landmark of the agricultural heritage of this area. The buildings were built in the 1880s and 1890s.

National Park faces major decisions as spotlight focuses on D.H. Day farm

published August 28, 2003
By Jacob R. Wheeler
Sun editor

At least once a day (click here) a curious tourist nudges up to the fence surrounding the D.H. Day farm to snap a photo or draw a sketch of the majestic 116-foot-long dairy barn that dominates the landscape along historic route M-109. This is one of the images that people associate with Northern Michigan, nearly as much as the great lake just to the west. In fact, the Society of Architectural Historians chose the D.H. Day farm as one of the “50 Most Significant Structures in Michigan”, alongside stalwarts like the Mackinac Bridge and the Renaissance Center....