Monday, April 01, 2013

I keep myself grounded away from The Culture of Fear by a true story.

So, if I may?

This goes back aways. It was my younger years, 20 something, engaged, then married and still working for the Ag Division of American Cyanamid in West Windsor, New Jersey. It was a great place to work surrounded by incredibly educated and talented people. I landed a job in the research library with a high school diploma. I made good money and even published a research paper. But, when I was younger that was possible. Virtually, reputation meant something then and if a woman known to be 'smart,' nice things would happen.

At any rate I had several wonderful friends at the time and we would lunch at a place called "The Golden Goose."

One day we were at lunch and a friend stated her mother had been doing errands and returned to a van backed up to the garage with the door open. Of course, there were no mobile phones either and people worked during the week and this was a week day. 

Her mother walked up to the back of the van and saw belongs from her home inside at the same time a man was carrying more of her belongings out of the house.

Did terror strike her? No. 

Did she reach for the gun in her handbag? No.

Did she rely on stupid laws to empower violence on our streets? No.

She yelled at HIM. She told him to turn around and put everything back in the house, including the items in the van, or she would call the police as her neighbor was home and watching everything going on.

He did. 

True story. He took everything back in the house and drove off.

No violence. No crime was committed except for his stupid idea of robbing someone willing to be brave enough to stand up to him. No death. No nothing, except maybe spoiled milk in the car while she waited for him to put everything back in the house.

We laughed with delight at the story as we drank our ONE martini lunch.

Our society today is far too violent. There are too many guns on the street because of legal and illegal commerce. We are programmed to believe we are helpless without overwhelming force in our possession. 

Everyday in the year 2013 there is a child killed. They are killed by mass murderers, drive by shootings, by teens with guns and at their own hand when they find guns under the bed or in Dad's bedside draw or in Mom's handbag that is then used to kill another child, sibling or themselves.

There is no reason for it. Americans don't believe they are safe anymore. They believe they live in a world of violence. That is called "A Culture of Fear." It is real, it is propaganda and we all need to end this idiocy.

Organized crime has been around a long time, I suppose it will be for even longer; but, the Tommy Gun was made illegal and now we need to take it further to stop mayhem and murder on the streets of the USA.

What we are doing today compounds the danger to our lives and does not resolve it. The NRA propaganda is morally wrong and always has been.

Have a better day.