Thursday, March 28, 2013


In any appeal to the court at any level, including the lower courts, enter at least one paragraph why the case is coming before the court based in Due Process. Make the court deal with it. Instill the constitutional right to due process in every legal action filed that will end up before the Supreme Court. Make the argument and don't assume Due Process is being granted through the courts. Say it. Be it frivolous or not. Make the judges decide the efficacy of Due Process in every case. It is a safeguard to our Constitution and Democracy. Just do it.

Judicial Activism and Strict Construction makes interesting rhetoric in political circles, but, it is not the basis for a legal career. Roberts is taking it to new heights. It is why Bush nominated him into the Supreme Court and into Chief Justice and Alito to the Supreme Court. It has nothing to do with competency, it is a political goal. It is time for Alito and Roberts to deliver on the investment.

The Roberts Court sends a lot of cases back to the lower courts. Kennedy is worried about the standing of the cases? Really?