Saturday, December 01, 2012

McConnell's use of the filibuster is abuse. It is unethical use of the power of the Senate.

The history of the filibuster, in one graph (click here)'

I don't know why McConnell's abuse of power as an ethical violation hasn't been invoked.

...The issue today isn’t that we see 50, or 100, or 150 filibusters. It’s that the filibuster is a constant where it used to be a rarity. Indeed, it shouldn’t even be called “the filibuster”: It has nothing to do with talking, or holding the floor. It should be called the 60-vote requirement....

The abuse of power by McConnell is extremely obvious. His use of the filibuster is a change in the word majority. Majority is 50% plus one. The abuse of the filibuster has resulted in a 60 majority vote.

Mr. McConnell is carrying out a single person coupe of the US Constitution. Since when does does the USA tolerate a coupe in any form?

Why is this an abuse of power? Because the filibuster was once a rarity. Being a rarity it means far less than a 50% occurrence. Mr. McConnell has taken a rarity and used it to cripple the USA. His use of the filibuster has gone well over 50% as a majority of the procedures the Senate now carries out. He is in violation of ethical use of the filibuster. When is he going to be held responsible for his unethical use of Senate procedure. When does respect for a fellow Senator, majority leader or not, cross over into abuse? When a Senator enters into unethical standards it needs to be litigated.

Crippling the nation is a matter of national security. The people spoke very loudly this year to their desire to move the nation forward. When are the people going to receive respect rather than a fellow Senator?