Friday, June 08, 2012

Warren is up to the challenge, her voice needs a rest, though.

Evidently, Scott Brown wants to try out his radio voice to audition along side Illinois Representative Joe Walsh. Brown wants to have a verbal dual over the radio waves. 

I heard Elizabeth Warren speak this evening on the Rachel Maddow Show and it was obvious how hard she has been working during the Democratic Primary. Her voice sounded course. She needs to rest the vocal cords a bit. Then she might be up to a radio debate.

By Hillary Chabot
Friday, June 8, 2012

As Elizabeth Warren agreed (click here) to a third debate yesterday, rival U.S. Sen. Scott Brown knocked the Democrat for ignoring radio debates.
“Scott Brown has already accepted four debate offers, including two radio forums that Elizabeth Warren has refused to commit to,” said Brown spokesman Colin Reed.
Warren announced yesterday she will take part in a debate hosted by the Boston Media Consortium....