Thursday, March 22, 2012

The petroleum industry is lying about drilling in the USA

The fact of the matter is that over 30 years of Republican leadership, the citizens of the USA are left STRANDED and victim to Wall Street. There are many alternatives, especially biofuels, but there was little to no investment sought by any Republicans leadership in nearly four decades.


Up to the leadership of President Obama there has been no US President willing to push alternative energies on all fronts!

...according to an Associated Press (click title to entry - thank you) statistical analysis of 36 years of data....

..."Drill, baby, drill has nothing to do with it," said Judith Dwarkin, chief energy economist at ITG investment research. Two other energy economists said the same thing and experts in the field have been making that observation for decades.
The statistics directly contradict the title of GOP presidential candidate Newt Gingrich's 2008 book "Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less," as well as the campaign-trail claims from the GOP presidential candidates.
Earlier this month, GOP front-runner Mitt Romney said of his solution to higher gas prices: "I can cut through the baloney ... and just tell him, 'Mr. President, open up drilling in the gulf, open up drilling in ANWR (the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge). Open up drilling in continental shelf, drill in North Dakota, drill in Oklahoma and Texas.' "...

...“One member of Congress, (click here) who shall remain unnamed, called these jobs ‘phony.’ Called them ‘phony jobs.’ Think about that mindset, that attitude, that says because something is new it must not be real. You know if these guys were around when Columbus set sail, they’d be charter members of the flat earth society.”
Obama was referring to Rep. John Fleming, R-La., who during a speech in the House chamber last year criticized the clean energy subsidies the administration favored, saying the benefits were not what they claimed?
“POTUS uses flat earth society line again. Witty, but no help for folks paying $4/gal thanks to his failed energy policy. #phonygreenjobs,” Fleming retorted in a post to his Twitter account following Obama’s speech....
$4.00 per gallon didn't happen due to lack of POLICY by President Obama, it is due to LACK OF ACTION to invest in alternatives by Republicans for four decades now!  The Republican Rhetoric does NOTHING to change the STRANDING of the USA consumers of petroleum!  
Republicans have no ideas!
Just because there are leases offered, doesn't mean there is going to be drilling on every lease !