Saturday, February 18, 2012

The GOP is perverting the country's focus and averting responsibility for its economy.

Ed Cox is a lawyer (click title to entry - thank you) with a distinguished record of service to his Party and in the domestic and international policy arenas.

The GOP is purposely targeting Elderly Caucasian Men with money as an election strategy which drives their opposition to solving the country's problems.  They are doing this, not just in election strategies, but on the House and Senate floors of the Federal and State governments.

There is a concentration of power within the Republican Party within the one percent to facilitate the demands of the only people in the USA that actually will tolerate them and vote for them.  The GOP lacks character and commitment to the best interests of the country by DESIGN.  They are Anti-American and pander to a minority of wealthy white guys while glamorizing it through religious dogma.

This will sound very crass, but, it can only be realized in these terms.  

What are wealthy old white guys most concerned with as they are facing death?  

Whom gets their money, how it will be used and the most narcissistic goal of all 'getting it right with god.'  

The GOP is perverse in its values by choice of whom actually values that extremism and the religious leaders become surrogates to the message.  The GOP has no value of sincere religious outcomes and may in fact be hurting chances of bringing back the very people the church leaders are trying to recruit to their flocks.  

This is disgusting and highly unethical to target church leadership in a faux debate among the American electorate to benefit the wealthy.

It may be the willingness of sincere church leadership to participate in a 'power struggle' of political outcomes will destroy their right to any non-profit status.  Sincerely.  The cloak is very thin as to what their participation is all about and I caution all of them to examine their motives and potential outcomes in such blatant campaigning within the government structure.  Those church leaders are not testifying they are demonstrating the power of the GOP to manipulate the turf.  That is all that is and they are unwitting participants.  At least I'll give them the benefit of the doubt they are unwitting.

There is no moral conscience in the GOP, there is only 'the goal' and the ruthlessness to achieve it.  Sincere damage will be and is being done to this democracy everyday the GOP is allowed to continue in their abuse of power for power's sake.