Tuesday, November 22, 2011


B-L-O-C is the correct spelling for 'Political Bloc' or 'Bloc Party.'  There are voting blocs as well.

A 'bloc' is a group that protects their interests.  That is the basic understanding of bloc.

"Interests" can mean many things, but, in most global understandings a 'bloc' is an interest group not necessarily in power within the government.  The most classic example was "The Easter Bloc" of the Soviet Union.  The Soviet Union no longer exists. 

The Republican Party has become rigid in what it believes to be 'their interests.'  I suppose it could be debated they are simply trying to win elections and they believe their strategy will win the day.  That is an interesting thought from the stand point of the electorate to realize why the Republican constituent is very angry all the time.  Their politicians 'propagandize' the electorate and once in office don't deliver on their rhetoric.  I believe the most extreme example of this is Texas politics and the candidate dependence on extremist religious POLITICAL organizations.  The 'pac' as is often referred is a political bloc.  It's requirements of candidates never change regardless of the reality of the country or citizen's circumstances.

There is significant evidence that points to the fact the Republican Party is a bloc.  They rely on outside sources of legislative action such as ALEC.  Their governance is based on sameness and not addressing the citizens that elected them.  Once in office they adher to specific ideological goals while disregarding the citizen's voice. 

The propagandizing of citizens' votes is a strategy to focus the power of spending monies in elections.  It is 'nice' to go to an election knowing the 'mind speak' will all be the same and the outcomes will follow.

Can anyone say the same about Democrats?  There isn't evidence pointing to that fact.  Most political pundits state, "Having Democrats come together as one is like herding cats."  Seriously.  Then to realize the 'composition' of the members of the Democratic Party is to realize exactly what diversity means.  Diversity is not allowed in BLOCS.  It doesn't work.

It is almost comical to realize the GOP is stating as their claim to being a better government, is CONSISTENCY, so the Wall Street forces are able to predict the future.  Predicting the future politically and for their cronies is high priority for the GOP.  It is more a religion with a dogma and not an understanding of what makes things work.  It is why the USA is a disaster today.  The GOP actually believes nothing has to change so long as they are in power and make things work in 'the same' venue as always.  They sincerely believe what works for one works for all. 

To illustrate how completely indoctrinated the GOP is when it comes to ideology they actively accuse Democrats of treating Global Warming as a religion with its high priests.  I have heard Grassroots Constituents say the same.  It is a bizarre way of thinking, but, to those that know 'the truth' from an Evangelical Point of View, any other sincere and consistent 'belief system' is religious in its character, therefore, the consistent statements of scientists are like that of religion as it delivers 'a cause' to be a political bloc and control government monies.  Understanding Global Warming, listening to scientists is as religious to the GOP as understanding the Bible and finding God in every aspect of life to validate their belief system.  With Evangelicals, failing to have the country as 'it should be' is not an option.

There are reasons to examine the INFLEXIBILITY of elected officials in the USA.  Officials that consistently place filibuster before country, ideology before country and financial dominance before country have to be scrutinized.  The USA is about its Middle Class.  It is not a small country consisting of one precent of its current populous. It is about the majority of Middle Class people and the Poor improving their 'lot in life' as is their birth right.  That has been and always will be THE BEAUTY of this country.  The Original Thirteen had Plutocrats ruling them, they didn't want them then and we don't want them now.  The revolutionary spirit of the USA is more or less to inspire 'the individual' to the PROMISE.  To encourage citizens in hope, freedom and change to their circumstances through opportunity.

What does a President do when opportunity has been removed from THE PROMISE of a birth right?  Ask 'pretty please' of the private sector to provide that opportunity again as the country stood behind them when they needed them?

The needs of a people are not the same as the needs of stockholders.  That does not equate and never will.

I could reasonably understand complaints by the GOP of any taxes of the wealthy IF the burden was unjust.  It is not.  There is nothing that is going to happen to the wealthy in the USA because they are asked to pay a surcharge to fund infrastructure projects, educational opportunity or better health care outcomes for the people.  It is the responsiblity of government to provide for the common good.  The government does that through taxation. 

Ideologues are not capable of governing and the GOP has proven that over and over and over again.

People aren't voting for ideology, they are voting to make a living.  What's so difficult to understand?

The Republicans have no right to deprive the American People a resolve to their problems or concerns.  NONE !