Monday, October 10, 2011

I am impressed by "The Occupy Wall Street" movement.

Not because they have received attention from the Democrats in the House, but, because the people involved are so wonderful.

I was watching the live streaming of a General Assembly with their Human Microphone.  These people are intelligent, seek to organize and embrace 'working groups' such as culture, medicine, legal council,  sanitation, inclusiveness and on and on.  I could not believe the depth of their commitment to each other and the purpose of their meeting and demonstration.  They are not only impressive, but, they speak eons about the quality of citizen we have in the USA.  Where government as registered complaints about the longevity of their marches and demonstrations, they have reacted with concern for those complaints and compassion for each other.  I've very proud of them, but, then quality people are easy to be proud of.

I found this sign to be impressive.  I believe their 'signage' as a method of speech is more indicative of their belief systems and complaints.  I don't see signs with horrific images or false statements.  Other activists in the nation cannot say that.  These people are not interested in 'victimization' as they have been victimized and would not wish it on anyone.  They want answers, they want solutions and they want their country free of the oppressive nature that wealth has brought to here within our borders.

The sign is correct.  I feel very sad when I hear even people considered to be left of center or the left wing of the political USA state that $250,000 is not wealthy.  It is.  It is very wealthy.  A person or couple of the same household making $250,ooo per year will have an accumulated income of $1 million US in four years.  That isn't wealth?  I'd like to know what you call it?

Any one of the members of this national coalition would give anything to be making $250,000 per year, but, I sincerely don't believe they would deny it was wealth.  When people DENY that $250,000 per year income is not wealth, they have no clue what it is too be poor or the working class in the USA.  Try putting two wonderful sons through college on $60,000 per year.  That is what I did.  Working sometimes two jobs I raised to wonderful boys into men that I am very proud of today.  They are both responsible with productive lives and stable relationships, one of my sons with children.  They are okay.  They don't make $250.000 per year and have student loans to pay, but, those loans did cover their education, I DID.  The loans helped, but, they could not have managed without my help.  It was a sacrifice and anyone that wants to say $60,000 per year is a good income has another thing coming.

I was lucky.  I saw the handwriting on the wall when they were very young and entered a profession that I knew would sustain through any recession.  I was correct.  I worked continuously and I was always in demand.  I had excellent benefits when I first began my career, but, I also saw them change to take a larger and larger chuck of my salary year after year.  And then, today, to have Governors state they oppose unions and strikes.  Well, when your pay rate continues to rise but your take home pay declines because the cost of benefits goes up; it is hideous to state a unionized strike is not in order.  

The American Worker is reflected in the quality of person in this national community.  They are intelligence and they know exactly what they are up against in life.  No one is going to change their understanding of their reality, because, not different than my sons they know the sacrifices of the working class as they watched their parents support and love them over the past decade.  They know all too well what they want for their children including a planet respected for the live it puts forth. 

They should be proud of themselves and not worry about 'images' to a camera.  They need to be themselves, be the wonderful selves they are and go forward with confidence knowing the depth of their understanding, passion and determination.  They need to hold their heads high and realize the 'nay sayers' are nearly the people they have grown to become.  

I am impressed.  I am impressed with every last one of them.

...Does this mean (click title to entry - thank you)  that the Democratic embrace should be rejected? Not necessarily. Occupy Wall Street could, of course, open up political space for Democrats to address unemployment, income inequality, criminality by banks, the overwhelming influence of corporate money in politics and so on. But it’s worth keeping in mind that most if not all of these politicians have been cozy with Wall Street for years; so there are grounds for suspicion....