Friday, June 17, 2011

They sort of look like each other.

...What is unusual (click title to entry - thank you)  is his attempt to use it to cover conversations with someone who is, ostensibly at least, a news executive. It amounts to a rather bald admission that Ailes provides Christie with political advice....

The reality is that Mr. Ailes is brokering power to NJ Governor Christie.  Beside the federal laws that come to mind, there is the FACT that Mr. Ailes' time is worth money.  So, therefore, Mr. Ailes is providing 'in kind' donation to Mr. Christie.  It is a political donation without monies exchanging  Let's see if it shows up on any of Mr. Ailes contacts in political arenas.

If these meetings are taking place during 'office hours' there are many, many questions for taxpayers to ask Governor Chrisite.  Besides, his helicopter rides to political organizing meetings and now iwth Ailes, is there any time in the Governor's schedule for actualy work?  Is Chritie accepting a salary for political reasons and how much of that salary is actually acting in his political benefit?