Monday, April 11, 2011

This is for them.

...Keiko Niinuma (click title to entry - thank you) has her hands full looking after her three boys, aged four, seven and eight.
They are easily distracted from their school books.
She likes to keep busy. The month that has passed has done nothing to ease the pain.
"When I think about that day, I start crying," she says.
"I get so much help from so many people, I always think I should keep smiling. But when I think of it, if I had been a few minutes later there's a good chance I would have been washed away.
"I drove towards the tsunami to get home. I was so worried about my children I didn't care about my own life. The only thing I thought about was them."
Down the hill from the temple, in the town, it seems little has changed in the few short weeks since the tsunami powered through....