Monday, March 21, 2011

If the House and Senate Democrats sincerely want to make budget cuts we all can live with...

...start looking at the COST of INEFFICIENCY in government contracts.  In other words, anything paid to outside contractors with some longevity needs to be RE-EVALUATED by its government agency for improving performance in completing the project or program.

Government waste has to begin with antiquated methods of outside contractors to make room for important and essential programs, including Head Start and NPR.

There are ways of improving the cost of government at the Federal Budget Level, it is all in how one looks at it.

I was listening to the testimony of Dr. Elizabeth Warren in regard to the new Federal Consumer Protection Agency.  She made testimony to the House last week.  Besides being her impressive self, Dr. Warren's new department as Advisor to the President and Assistant Secretary to the Secretary of the Treasury will CONSOLIDATE seven, count them seven agencies currently housed under separate departments.  The current distribution of authority is ineffective and cumbersome.

THAT is measurable progress to a leaner and meaner federal government.

The change comes on July 21, 2011 when the new agency stands up and the other agencies pass their responsibilites.  She stated, the change over is like a "Baton Race."  The authority will be handed off with a lead up to that date.