Sunday, October 31, 2010

Who runs this country? The legislators elected in ? Free Elections ? or the GOP and Murdoch's media circus?

Hannity states Lindsay Graham was noted to say, the legislature needs to work with the president. 

According to Hannity, Graham needs to get his it right in that he will not work with the president.  The radio jockey then  had a hissy fit and carried on as if he was making government policy and not the congress or president.

What kind of power are the people of the USA providing to this media service by being their puppets?

...Graham was censured by the Aiken County Republican Party (click title to entry - thank you) and several other South Carolina counties in September for straying from the party by supporting amnesty for illegal aliens and nominations for Supreme Court justices.
The measure also barred Graham from invitations to any local events.
On Tuesday, Graham said he will fight the president when he's wrong, but he will also cross party lines to "help him do the things that need to be done to make us all safe."...