Friday, October 08, 2010

Michigan's HandyLab is a Case Study in the draconian nature of the Wall Street Bush Republicans' Economy.

Why would a Wall Street firm such as BD want HandyLab to succeed?  Small business is where the USA Job growth is going to occur.  We all know that.  The Republicans are running on that.  It is the method to growing Small Business that is in debate.  We know for a fact that providing good health care options to Small Businesses helps grow their firms so they can compete with large Wall Street frims.  Okay?  Now, about why the anticipated job numbers are 'ARTIFICALLY' low.
We have witnessed with Michigan's HandLaby their largest hurdle was marketing.  It isn't that big of a deal.  When contracts are made, the funding is forthcoming, BUT, the banks have to be WILLING to lend to a company like HandyLab with solid contracts 'On the Table.'

The Investment Banks are out of the business of lending to Small Business in the USA.  We know that for a fact. They took their bailout funds and outsourced their interests without regret or without the loyalty to the people that had the ability to create a Bailout for them.

If anyone believes the job rate is artifically low going into the 2010 elections, then you are about hte most naive person in the country.  The Republicans have been obstructing any movement forward of the legislation necessary to 'further' the development of Small Businesses such as HandyLab.  It was only recently the legislation was passed to fund Small Business lending.  THAT, my friends was solidly Pre-Meditated by the Republican Party's "No Initiatiove." 

So, why did 'expanding' HandyLab becotme so difficult that it had to sell out to Wall Street?  You know this answer.

There is actually two reason why HandyLab sold to Wall Street to be absorbed into the Plutocracy so HandyLab would case BD problems. 

1.  There was a conflict of interest being 'managed' by the CEO of the company and its financing source.  Snyder was playing the 'growth' of HandyLab very close to the vest.  He knew he had a Gold Mine and wanted to manage it for SHORT TERM returns for his own wealth.  The people of Michigan was not on his Short List of "Important To Do" and the genius of the women that perfected the PRODUCTS of HandyLab were not important to Snyder because as far as he was concerned, they had delivered his fortune, so further R&D of HandyLab was completely absent on his agenda.

2.   The Republcians were 'playing the strategy' in DC to obstruct any movement forward of legilation that would grown Small Businesses.  Literally the CRONIES of the Republicans and Tea Party (same thing by 75% of known statistics) BENEFIT from depriving Small Businesses of GROWTH.  We know that by the example of HandyLab alone.  If Small Business is the place where Wall Street gets 'booted' out of the majority GDP of the USA then the CEOs don't get their bonuees.  Small Businesses in the USA is where all the innovation and job creation is occurring.  So while the American Innocation Genius is at work, BUT, constrained from GROWTH, eventually critical 'fiscal' mass will enter into the picture with a company such as HandyLab and the Wall Street wealth will take over the dynamics of THAT GROWTH. 

So, the Small Business Administration has needs a great deal of vigilance in order to understand where the 'deficit' is for Small Business GROWTH.  And the definiton of Small Business has to be really clarified with the Small Business Administration so our fiscal investments are sincerely going into job growth for the people of the USA and not multinational companies that will CONTINUE to deprive the USA of that job growth while outsourcing 'our genius' AFTER THE FACT.

Snyder is typical of the Republican running for office.  They are business people that care little about 'the citizen' AFTER the 'genius' has delivered from the brain trust.  He will go into office and remove any and all constraints on exploitation of Small Businesses to facilitate Wall Street buyouts.  And Natural Resources, such as forests, are simply a 'BONUS' to the 'idea' of creating wealth. 

To the public Repubicans look great because 'on paper' it looks as though things are improving, however, 'on the street' the circumstances are completely different.  It is why the USA has no job growth since the Stimulus.  All the Small Businesses are in limbo while Wall Street is harvesting the genius of USA innovation.

DO NOT VOTE REPUBLICANS INTO OFFICE.  They won't deliver a SUSTAINABLE economy, but, only more hardship for the citizens. 

The Wall Street exploitation of the USA is real.  Don't deny it.  HandyLab is a prime example of it.  The CORRUPTION of the USA economy is highly visible when looking at the HandyLab INCIDENT.

Good luck.