Wednesday, December 09, 2009

When women want an abortion no one has the right to ask them why. Or judge her decision.

...California's two senators, Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein, argued passionately against the amendment by a fellow Democrat, Nebraska's Ben Nelson, to ban insurance companies operating in proposed insurance exchanges from offering abortion coverage to anyone receiving a government subsidy....

...The Senate tabled Nelson's amendment by a 54-45 vote, with seven moderate and conservative Democrats supporting it....

A woman doesn't have to have a reason. She may not be able to emotionally parent the conceived child for whatever reason is her own and it is up to her to decide to end her pregnancy. It is her body, her uterus, her mind, her value system and her decision. No one should make it for her, nor trap her in a body function she doesn't want until some forced adoption happens. That is emotional abuse of a woman.

...When we returned from Belize (click title to entry - thank you), I anxiously awaited the call from my doctor's office. The call came, and it was terrible news. My baby, my daughter, had T-21. The doctor also confirmed that during the amnio's sonogram, they saw signs of heart and digestive problems. Ultimately, I was told by three doctors that there was very little chance that my daughter would make it full term, and if she did, she would need heart surgery and surgery to repair her digestive tract. Even then, there were no guarantees she would survive. We researched her chances and ultimately chose to spare her a life filled with pain and surgery. We chose to offer her peace. We chose to terminate the pregnancy....

Government is the absense of any authority over spirituality. That is left to authorities that cannot be legislated. There is no place for spiritual judgement in the laws of the USA.