Tuesday, March 03, 2009

The 'D' Word. You know I am flyin' tired of hearing the Republicans MOARN their Wall Street. I really am.

You want to 'invest?' Buy bonds. Buy savings bonds, too.

"THE" reason that Wall Street is falling below TRADITIONALLY 'normal' values is because of the high 'liability' the stocks are carrying. There was a lot of 'inappropriate' investments made and ventures into areas where they did not belong and this is the result. If there is 'lack of confidence' it is because Paulson put it there.

The 'turn around' won't happen for another six months when the changes President Obama has made in the way of a 'recovery' is actually realized.

The 'slide' is going to get worse and it is just the way it is. Look, Bush should have never have been returned to office. However, I find myself grateful for the opportunity to have Barak as a President. There is always a silver lining to every cloud.

Instead of the Republcians moarning their 'Wall Street' they need to join with President Obama to celebrate a 'return' of a viable and HEALTHIER America. The Republicans ARE the trouble and they have been for over three decades. I don't want to hear it anymore. The banks that could not handle their business dealings in moral ways, certainly don't deserve another $350 billion. Poor babies.

Make no doubt about it. This is the REPUBLICAN 'Wall Street' that is still receiving 'blows' from the fourth quarter of last year.