Saturday, June 30, 2007

Then there is the issue of Climate Change

The ONLY Bush Policy on Climate Change is a dreamscape for corporate profits drafted in 2002.

Global Climate Change Policy Book (click here)
The President announced a new approach to the challenge of global climate change. This approach is designed to harness the power of markets and technological innovation. It holds the promise of a new partnership with the developing world. And it recognizes that climate change is a complex, long-term challenge that will require a sustained effort over many generations. As the President has said, "The policy challenge is to act in a serious and sensible way, given the limits of our knowledge. While scientific uncertainties remain, we can begin now to address the factors that contribute to climate change."

On the other hand, Russia is a member of Kyoto.

Danger of climate change equal to nuclear war (click here)
MOSCOW. (Viktor Danilov-Danilyan for RIA Novosti) - Global climate change defies forecasting. Unprecedented heat, floods, droughts and typhoons brought about by climate change cause tremendous damage.
The number of such calamities has doubled over the last 10 years, according to the Russian Emergency Situations Ministry.
Some experts think there is nothing to worry about-periodic alterations in the climate are normal. Some believe the general alarm is the result of a mere lack of knowledge. But then, the danger posed by climate change is no smaller than the danger posed by nuclear war, and we have to face and evaluate it, however vague it might appear.
There is no way to hide from global warming. In fact, the repercussions of climate change might be even worse because the entire climatic system will be thrown out of balance. The average surface temperature is going up, and so are annual deviations from it.
Natural calamities go hand in hand with warming. Disastrous floods are getting more frequent in Russia and many other countries. They account for more than half of weather-related dangers....

Climate Change is a National Security issue for both these countries. For any country for that matter. Currently Pakistan is battling floods at the very same time the Brits have raised the 'terror alert.' Where does anyone believe the Third World and The West are on the same page in any of their agendas? The USA is simply being used as a toy for Bush cronies. None of the policies of this administration, now being realized in actions by The Supreme Court matter. Not really. Bush simply plays profit margins with war, issues of serious Climate events, instability globally in political structures and lets everyone deal with it. So long as his corporate bottom lines are sustaining a presidency that should have never existed, what does he care?