Sunday, August 25, 2024

Trump’s judges are political activists

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It is a growing consensus that the best path to a Supreme Court appointment is through politics. This decision reflects that, as the decisions by Aileen Cannon demonstrate are very much activist decisions.

There is no legal path through Bruen for machine guns. Historically, which Bruen requires, machine guns were ALWAYS designed for the military. Machine guns eventually made their way into criminal acts in the USA, but, that is criminal history and breaking the law historically matters. 

There is no way under Bruen that allows machine guns as legal tender in civilian populations. The machine gun is and always has been a weapon of war. There has never been a time in the USA when a machine gun regularly had civil use, in law enforcement or hunting. 

So, the Trump judges are attempting to kiss the ring and make it work for the Fuhrer.

Families and children in schools are not going to be threatened by machine guns in the hands of criminals or the deranged.