Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Funding just in time to turn the NPS into Trump Resort Hotels and Casinos, guaranteed safe from wildlife.

August 26, 2024
By Patrick Whittle

There aren't as many (click here) as Americans are lead to believe. They are few and precious.

The official nonprofit organization of the National Park Service (click here) is set to receive the largest grant in its history, a $100 million gift the fundraising group described as transformative for the country’s national parks.

The National Park Foundation, which Congress created in the 1960s to support national parks, will receive the donation from Indianapolis-based foundation Lilly Endowment Inc. The park foundation described the gift on Monday as the largest grant in history benefiting U.S. national parks.

The money will be used to address the needs of the country’s more than 400 national park sites, said Will Shafroth, president and CEO of the National Park Foundation.

The foundation hopes to announce the first round of grants stemming from the donation later this year, Shafroth said....

Oh, you thought I was joking. Not.

June 9, 2020
By Daryl Fears

Two Alaska black bear cubs. (click here) The Trump administration has rolled back 2015 rules aimed at protecting them

Hunters will soon be allowed to venture into national preserves in Alaska (click here) and engage in practices that conservation groups say are reprehensible: baiting hibernating bears from their dens with doughnuts to kill them and using artificial light such as headlamps to scurry into wolf dens to slaughter mothers and their pups.

With a final rule published Tuesday in the Federal Register, the Trump administration is ending a five-year-old ban on the practices, which also include shooting swimming caribou from a boat and targeting animals from airplanes and snowmobiles. It will take effect in 30 days....