Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Cops at RNC convention killed an unhoused man.

Get used to that. Between Trump and his Supreme Court, Americans will be dying on a regular basis. If a person is unhoused and sleeps in the open without permission that means they are utilizing public or private land. The Supremes are saying the unhoused don’t have rights to utilize any property. That type of trespass can be a legal problem. Basically, the unhoused have to keep moving on public thoroughfares. They won’t be tolerated to sleep on the road either.

There will be encampments to protect the common good, followed by riots when they are torn down, the rioters will be killed, and the land left barren. 

This will become the new normal for the unhoused, veteran or no veteran.

To understand Trump’s ill will against the people, realize he and his cohorts are ideologues that plan and currently are dismantling the governments, definitely federal and in some cases, the states. He and those he trusts want the country to be claimed by pilgrims that were here before the Revolutionary War. Governors of the 13 COLONIES were land owners. That also translated into practice during and after the Revolutionary War. Their goal is to never have public land.