Friday, August 19, 2022

It is incredible. This is the counter offensive.

There was nothing the Ukraine military could do at the time of Russia's invasion of Crimea. The clash in the Maidan followed by Yanukovych leaving the country due to a very quick occupation force in Crimea happened very quickly. The national military of Ukraine had been disarmed by Yanukovych. There was nothing they could do to move against the occupying force.

Yanukovych had armed the oligarchs with militias to contain any uprising by the people. Ukraine leaders were jailed in Russia at this time, if they hadn't been poisoned to attempt assassination. Ukraine was foundering with power struggles considering all the Russian corruption still within the country. 

This is Ukraine today. Eight long years of being divided. It was going to happen one way of another. There was too much tension within the populations to have this simply be settled by Russia spending money on bridges. I am not surprised there are Pro-Ukrainian forces in Crimea. Russia oppressed these freedom loving people through their Pro-Russian corrupt leadership. Oppression only lasts long enough until it reaches a boiling point and then people find a way to undermine it and get rid of it.

August 17, 2022
By Srishti Singh Sisodia

"Extraordinary" details were provided in advance to the United States President Joe Biden related to the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war, The Washington Post has reported.

On February 24, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the invasion of Ukraine, what it calls a "special military operation" to "demilitarise" and "de-Nazify" its neighbouring country.

The invasion turned into a full-fledged war, causing an outsized impact on the global supply chain and leading to a massive humanitarian crisis. Thousands of people are dead and millions flew away from the conflict zones.

August 19, 2022
By Greg Miller and Catherine Belton

Kyiv - In the final days before the invasion of Ukraine, (click here) Russia’s security service began sending cryptic instructions to informants in Kyiv. Pack up and get out of the capital, the Kremlin collaborators were told, but leave behind the keys to your homes.

The directions came from senior officers in a unit of Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) with a prosaic name — the Department of Operational Information — but an ominous assignment: ensure the decapitation of the Ukrainian government and oversee the installation of a pro-Russian regime.

The messages were a measure of the confidence in that audacious plan. So certain were FSB operatives that they would soon control the levers of power in Kyiv, according to Ukrainian and Western security officials, that they spent the waning days before the war arranging safe houses or accommodations in informants’ apartments and other locations for the planned influx of personnel....

It is not worth it Vladimir, leave Ukraine.