Sunday, October 04, 2020

We live in very difficult times.

Earth is warming rapidly because oil profits and the availability of liquidity for financial markets was convenient. The electric car technology has been around since Henry Ford yet when approached it is treated as if it is a failed method of transportation. That's nonsense. 

Earth is at a tipping point. A dangerous tipping point and we need to set our sights firmly on the future without looking back. Transportation and electricity production has to be benign to the balance of the planet. 

There are nearly 7.6 billion people alive on Earth. They are all consumers. Consumption means the use of energy and plenty of refuse and waste. Now, is the time to make Earth a priority. There is no looking back. 

The loss of ice fields and ice caps is extremely dangerous as they are climate mitigators. That mitigation is gone when the ice is gone. What is going to take it's place? Now, is the time we take this all very seriously and realize Earth's ice is precious and important and not simply a spectator sport when huge chunks break off to melt and raise sea levels.

Besides the climate, there are a lot of challenges to the USA Constitution as we know it. I have to continue this dialogue next week. This is simply a concept of understanding at this point. I want Americans thinking about their country and the importance of it's sovereign laws and the concept of their personal freedoms. It is time to vote and put the future first on all fronts.

One of those fronts must also be ending the plutocracy in the USA that endangers our freedoms. 

I appreciate your interest in this blog. Until later...