Saturday, October 03, 2020

Senator Feinstein is correct the confirmation hearings must be postponed.

The contamination event (click here)

Senator Feinstein is 87 years old. She is in the high-risk group and currently, the Senate office building is not contaminated by SARS-CoV-2.

Every person at that announcement ceremony and the parties afterward have to be in quarantine right now, including the judge and her family. There is no way all those people can be cleared to hold the confirmation hearings on October 12th. The judge should not be in the same room with Senator Feinstein.

The hearings have to be postponed, otherwise, lives are on the line. Senator Feinstein and any other person concerned about their well being after this party in the Rose Garden and White House need to have physicians testify to the danger.

This is the Republican's own fault. They opened themselves up to infection. No one else should be put in peril over Republican arrogance and ignorance.

I feel bad for Chris Christie. He has been dissed by this president on more than one occasion, but, he put all that aside to help with the campaign along side of Bill Stepien only to get COVID-19. I hope he recovers.