Wednesday, August 26, 2020

The future of the Republican Party...

...relies on people like Senator Tim Scott that holds the best of us as the soul of America. I hear his speech was resoundingly different than many of the others that would seek to divide the country to create a new and very different reality  while indulging in harsh and exaggerated rhetoric about Democrats, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Just let me remind Senator Scott what a real Democratic economy looks like. In 2000, George W. Bush inherited from President Bill Clinton a treasury surplus. It would have been nice to have that still yet today while suffering through a pandemic. Then when President Obama came to office the USA was shedding 100,000 jobs PER DAY. It is notable that job losses continued AFTER then President Bush installed T.A.R.P. a huge bailout of the banking system while the Secretary of the Treasury Paulson logged more hours in China than at his Treasury Department Office. 

President Trump has ridden the coattails of President Obama while issuing tax cuts to Wall Street. There was no need for it, the USA was doing just fine. But, Trump and Mnuchin wanted their dream of low or better yet no taxes for Wall Street. And that is exactly what occurred. 

In many ways Senator Scott reflects what is best of this country but he doesn’t discern the radical right as a problem.

The radical right of the Republican Party must be rejected. The USA is best when there are at least two HEALTHY parties that put forward candidates with great values and morality. The RNC under Trump has no solid moral values, heck, it’s campaigns are being funded by the US Treasury compliments of Trump’s border wall.

There are clear distinctions between the Republicans and Democrats. Make no mistake that while Senator Scott talks a good game he fumbles when it comes to holding his party accountable for tha lawbreakers among them.