Friday, February 08, 2019

Republican Representative Lesko asked an Acting Attorney General if he is upholding the Third Trimester Abortion law.

Partial - Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003

18 US Code 1531. Partial-birth abortions prohibited (click here)

It would be interesting to know if there are many convictions under that law. The only such conviction I am aware of was a Philadelphia doctor in violation of many laws in 2013. So, other than political reasons I don't know why she would ask about such a law.

It is noteworthy that the Robert's Court now has a radical judge that continues to make a name for himself in Republican Circles, namely Kavanaugh. The Court's decision today involved the radical nature of Kavanaugh. (click here) I just to see widespread abuse of the 2003 law that should change anything with abortion rights for women.

The problem with the radical point of view of Republicans regarding abortion rights for women is that it is theocratic and not democratic.

15 May 2013

A Philadelphia doctor (click here) was sentenced Wednesday to a third life term for killing an aborted baby that he described as so big it could "walk to the bus."

Dr Kermit Gosnell was convicted this week of first-degree murder in the deaths of three babies born alive at his rogue clinic, then stabbed with scissors. He was given two life sentences Tuesday in a deal with prosecutors that spared him a potential death sentence, and the third sentence was handed down Wednesday.

The sentences offer no chance at parole, meaning Gosnell, 72, will spend the rest of his life in prison.

The case has made Gosnell a flashpoint in the nation's bitter debate over legalized abortion....