Monday, September 10, 2018

Bob Woodward: "People better wake up to what's going on" in White House (Click here for book review. Thank you.)

There are times when elected officials need to rise to a higher purpose than their politics allow. Are the Democrats the only officials willing to act? The Dems have to make their case to the American people before they see any actions against the President as reasonable. The people have to support them. The Republicans have allowed two years of bizarre behavior and international threats without having the backbone to act in any way. I would think incremental actions are called for as well.

September 9, 2018
By Ron Elving

...But Fear belongs in a new categoryMany readers will find Woodward's depiction of this president and his presidency so devastating that it can only be described as an indictment.

President Trump is portrayed as uncouth, uninformed and unprepared for the demands of his office. Moreover, he appears convinced that the same braggadocio that made him rich and made him president will make the world conform to his own view of it....

Uncouth? Woodward is being kind.