Sunday, July 08, 2018


There is a greater task at hand than destroying the immigration unit known as ICE. The issue at hand involves where to draw the line on human rights abuses, the Geneva Conventions and USA law enforcement. ICE just happened to be the place where the human rights abuses began with this President.

President Donald Trump is abusing his power for the sake of his politics and wealth. He actually thought he could simply use the power of the Presidency to do any darn thing he wants to do. He does not accept the limits of his power and now he is using his power to intimidate countries. We have a problem to be solved and it should be solved permanently. ICE never realized that they were committing human rights abuses and that is dangerous. ICE’S mission needs to be prioritized and that means working to assist the FBI in ending those that come to our borders with drugs and crime.

It has been very difficult to realize our law enforcement was committing human rights violations at the order of the President, but, they did so out of complete ignorance. This can never happen again by ICE, the Border Patrol or any other law enforcement.

The Congress wrote The War Powers Act to stem abuse of power; there needs to be clear standards set down in legislation with a veto proof majority in Congress  to end any such abuse of power again. 

The unthinkable happened and it is up to Congress to permanently end any possibility of this occurring again. Ending ICE may be part of that legislation, but, there is a bigger picture. This time it was ICE, what next the Border Patrol? The local police? Sheriff? 

We have to permanently solve the problem of any potential to commit human rights abuses within the USA and use of any international policy to be used for intimidation or human rights violations. Policies of benevolence cannot be turned against a country in retribution for other purposes such as this vote at this international forum to benefit human health. What is occurring with the powers within the Executive Branch is unthinkable and yet it is happening. This is not a Constitutional Crisis, it is a crisis brought on by abuse of power. There is a difference.