Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Phyllis Schlafly lives.

Mona Charen makes a living by insulting the human conscience. The same old stupid idea that living in the 1950s was good.

Mona Charen lives in a world of Barbie dolls and let's pretend there is a perfect way forward as a woman in the USA. 

She needs to retire, what kind of shape is her 401K after 2008? Can she do that? She should. I think her own set of values would dictate she accept her place as a Grandmother and live to serve. Do I detect a wardrobe well preserved handed down from her conservative mother? What would a woman do without a good set of pearls? Maybe she doesn't understand where to find the New York fashion runway. Someone want to help her out of the doldrums and into a real life? Behaving is about oppression and eliminates the potential for achievement.

She must not have the vocabulary to ask, "What the heck happened to the presidency of Hillary Clinton?" I know that is a painful thought for conservatives, but, misogyny is still alive AT ANY COST, including inviting Russia to rule in the USA.

"Sex Matters" takes women back to being the victim of sexism and does not secure their dignity. Feminism is not an evil word.

#MeToo is a movement that empowers women away from "roles" for women into the real world of respect. No woman uses the act of sex to advance their careers within this movement. That is what has occurred across the spectrum since women entered the workforce and waking up to "be a woman" does not mean accepting assault by men holding power over their lives.

There are many places yet to advance the rights of women and children and accepting the 1950s as the best and only lifestyle isn't one of them.

Women are empowered by having control of their bodies and the political space carved out by Mona Charen will never bring happiness to women. She should address the plight of the women in the Working Poor and improve their oppression. As a rule, conservatives hate government dependency enough to seek a way out for even women.