Sunday, September 18, 2016

Human sources of methane emissions.

Methane Emissions: Human Sources (click here) 

Since the Industrial Revolution, human sources of methane emissions have been growing. Fossil fuel production and intensive livestock farming have caused the current increase methane levels. Together these two sources are responsible for 60% of all human methane emissions. Other sources include landfills and waste (16%), biomass burning (11%), rice agriculture (9%) as well as biofuels (4%)....

That navy blue section of the pie chart is fossil fuel production, distribution and use. Methane emissions MUST stop. 

I really don't care to hear about swamp gas and all the methane emitted by nature and cows. The human emissions of methane is a problem. Let me state that again. THE HUMAN EMISSIONS FROM METHANE IS A PROBLEM.

Methane fracking is a problem. It is a problem for many, many reasons. The emissions from methane drilling and capture for commercial sales to the country or otherwise NEGATES it's so called 'better energy' alternative. 

Methane is NOT green energy and never was!