Friday, July 24, 2015

This is about as close as any American is going to get to an EMP.

But, there have been moments in the US Congress when EMP has actually been discussed. Good subject, by the way.

When it comes to topics like this I don't simply click on an obscure net address, but, where there is credibility. This is from National Geographic:

July 19, 2013
By Patrick J. Kiger

...While an EMP (click here) might sound like a plot premise for a Hollywood disaster thriller, a federal commission of scientific and military experts convened by Congress in 2004 warned that such an event could actually occur....

There is so much nonsense surrounding this that (who are those people? they worry about this mess as an excuse to build an underground shelter...Oh, yeah, i know) Preppers have an entire culture and economy surround their deepest fears. I don't really have deep seated fears. Seriously. I worry about my health, but, not much else.

I used to worry about my children's health, but, their wives have told me to leave it to them. That was nice. Now when I visit it really is all upbeat. Some habits are hard to break. 

...The disruptive potential of EMP was noticed by the Chinese and Soviets, both of whom considered such an attack, according to the commission’s report. Nevertheless, U.S. officials didn’t bother to develop any defenses against the EMP during the Cold War, because they assumed that the threat of a retaliatory nuclear attack was sufficient....

"Duck and Cover" 

...But even if we’re not attacked by an enemy, there’s also the possibility that a catastrophic electromagnetic pulse could occur naturally, triggered by a severe solar flare. In 1989, for example, solar weather caused the collapse of northeastern Canada’s Hydro-Quebec power grid within 90 seconds, leaving millions of people without electricity for nine hours,...

I'd like to point out something to the Preppers. EMP is NOT a deeply held secret by the evil governments of the world. Civilized society has actually experienced one. Go, figure, huh?

Not only did our northern neighbor (it makes sense it was Canada because they also have aurora borealis), but, the power outage lasted less time than the stranding of people in New Orleans from Hurricane Katrina.

...according to a National Research Council report. In fact, Yousef Butt, a scientist at Center for Astrophysics at Harvard University, wrote in a 2010 article in the online journal Space Review that the risk of EMP from a solar storm is greater than that from an intentional attack.

But while some, such as former U.S. House Speaker and Presidential candidate Newt Gingrich (Republican), have sounded alarms about the risk of a catastrophic EMP launched by terrorists or a rogue regime, some skeptics downplay such a threat, saying that it would be difficult to pull off....

So perhaps as one ponders their best life strategy that is legal, which is questionable for politicians, one might promise SELF to only find REAL FACTS about things that scare us. Until recently I was concerned the "Spooky Channel" on Saturdays only was correct about aliens coming to Lake Michigan. I found out differently. See. No Aliens. HEROES, lots and lots of very smart generals and heroes. Learning the truth about the planes at the bottom of Lake Michigan added quality of life to me because I had more to appreciate about my country.