Wednesday, May 27, 2015

A new study points to education as the greatest single aspect of life to prevent crime.

The slow spiral into prison starts young. Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolfe plans to invest in the future of the states young people. He put larger portions of the state budget into education, including pre-school.

...Quality early childhood education (click here) is a crime-fighting tool, Wolf said, that all political parties and taxpayers should embrace as evidenced by the Republican county prosecutors who stood with him in the prison parking lot

"We are all in this together," Wolf said. "We are not Republican, we are not Democrats. We are not right or left. We are pragmatists and that's what brings us together."

The Fight Crime: Invest in Kids report quotes heavily from a long-running study by the University of Illinois at Chicago. Starting in 1983, the study tracked 1,000 students who attended Chicago's preschool program and compared them with other students who did not. The Chicago study found the original 1983 preschoolers were 33 percent less likely to have a juvenile arrest record, 42 percent less likely to commit a violent crime and 51 percent less likely to suffer from child abuse or neglect....