Thursday, March 05, 2015

Jeb Bush is a new type of Republican. He is not a compassionate conservative, he is an inclusive conservative and he does not sign the tax pledge of Grover Norquist. Inclusive?

Typical to Republicans "The Jeb" wants to rewrite history.

...That makes political sense. (click here) With the economy improving, polls show that voters now consider terrorism to be as important a campaign issue for 2016 as economic issues. And Obama’s incoherent efforts to degrade the Islamic State make him an easy target.
But when Jeb Bush, in a major foreign policy speech last week, tried to pin the blame for the Islamic State’s rise entirely on Obama it made my blood boil. The Mideast collapse that paved the way for the terrorists’ rise was precipitated by his brother’s misbegotten war in Iraq.
And if GOP hopefuls continue to whitewash George W.’s strategic errors (and Jeb has hired some of the very advisors who made them, such as former Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz), then Republicans will surely repeat those errors if they take the White House in 2016....

History according to The Jeb says the Iraq War was completely benign, exactly what the region needed and is proud of The Bro in his invasion.

Differently said, "Everything is Obama's fault." 

...The former Florida governor briefly admitted in his speech that “there were mistakes made, for sure” in the Iraq war. He limited those to his brother’s use of intelligence (on Saddam’s nuclear weapons program) that “everyone embraced,” but turned out to be inaccurate, and to “not creating an environment of security” in Iraq after taking out Saddam Hussein.

But Jeb skipped entirely over the bloody Iraq years of 2003-2007. Instead, he praised his brother’s “heroic” surge strategy – which sent thousands more U.S. troops to Iraq and stabilized the country....

Here we go again, "...there were mistakes made..." 

No clue.

Yes, indeed. The Jeb is proud of The Bro for throwing more American troops at the problem, post Iraq Study Group, and killing all that many more legions of radical fascist Islamics.

At least The Bro killed off enough of them before they got in their ships and rowed to America to continue the violence within Iraq. 

Lord knows those radical Islamic facists multiply like rabbits and they would come through the southern border. 

Question: Before the political season beings, is Osama bin Laden really dead? 

I heard that myth was Obama's fault, too.

Read more here: