Monday, August 04, 2014

I guess the permafrost holes have to look like space aliens did it before people pay attention.

I've been posting the degradation of permafrost for over a decade now. Somewhere here is a picture of a patch of Alaskan permafrost or what used to be permafrost. It is all dead and dark in color. 

All the evidence and predictions are there. It is all documented. Governments never WANTED it to be real and the truth. The truth about the warming of Earth never served their politics because of the MONEY corrupting it.

June 25, 2014

The new EPA regulations are to CUT greenhouse gas pollution by the USA, not export it. (click here)


...Meanwhile, (click here) the thawing of billions of tons of frozen plant matter in the Arctic could result in an acceleration in climate change as locked away organic carbon is released into the atmosphere, according to scientists....

November 25, 2013 
Blake de Pastino
Nov 19,2013
The frozen remains of a horse (click here)more than half a million years old have reluctantly given up their genetic secrets, providing scientists with the oldest DNA ever sequenced.
The horse was discovered in 2003 in the ancient permafrost of Canada’s west-central Yukon Territory, not far from the Alaskan border....

April 30, 2012

...She and her colleagues say the Beaufort is the best place in the Arctic to assess the stability of undersea permafrost and gas deposits and to fill in big gaps in climate science.
They want to drill down through sediments that have rained onto the sea floor over eons, revealing how the Arctic ice has waxed and waned, and into the thick slabs of permafrost and frozen gas beneath the sea floor that have the potential to accelerate global warming....

On that same page:

David Adam, environment correspondent
Wednesday December 21, 2005
The Guardian

Global warming could melt almost all of the top layer of Arctic permafrost by the end of the century. Scientists say the thaw would release vast stocks of carbon into the atmosphere, threaten ocean currents and wreck roads and buildings across Canada, Alaska and Russia....