Tuesday, November 05, 2013

"If you like your healthcare insurance, you can keep that insurance." or whatever he said.

The innocence in that statement is all too obvious. It is not a lie, it is taken out of context by those seeking attention to their changes in insurance.

Those believing the President actually lied are stupid. Just that simple. 

And this crosscheck law is not just a waste of money, it is idiotic. Does anyone actually believe a person is going to drive, especially with the cost of gas being what it is, to two different states to vote in one election? It's ridiculous. No American is going to go through that much trouble to vote in a state where they don't live.

The crosscheck laws are among the most moronic ideas I have ever heard of. The country can't even get a consistent turnout of over 50% of eligible voters in any Presidential election. That legislation is completely moronic.

These laws are written to discourage voter turnout, not encourage it. That is why they are in Red States. 

Voter turnout rates (click here) presented here show that the much-lamented decline in voter participation is an artifact of poor measurement. Previously, turnout rates were calculated by dividing the number of votes by what is called the "voting-age population" which consists of everyone age 18 and older residing in the United States (the yellow line to the right). This includes persons ineligible to vote, mainly non-citizens and ineligible felons, and excludes overseas eligible voters. When turnout rates are calculated for those eligible to vote, a new picture of turnout emerges, which exhibits no decline since 1972 (the green line to the right). Indeed, turnout rates appear to have been restored to their earlier high levels as of 2008.

Democrats talk about making it a law that election days are official holidays and mandating voting. That is a focus to increase participation in the country and connect people to their government so they aren't used by wealthy power brokers. This mess the GOP wants is to stop voter participation so they can control their bankrolls not their voter rolls.

The Attorney General of Virginia currently running for Governor purged 38,000 voters from the rolls. That is 0.7% of all voters in Virginia. In a close race as Florida in 2000 was, it makes or brakes the election. When is this practice going to be outlawed. The trends are more than obvious. Democrats include all eligible voters and Republicans seek to discourage them and even remove them from the opportunity. This method of discouraging voters by purging them from their registrations is just as bad as Voter ID Or Gerrymandering. It is dishonest and is carried out to effect the outcomes of elections important to citizens.