Friday, May 31, 2013

Oklahoma City has a half a million people. This is a high energy system with tornado outbreaks.

May 31, 2013
UNISYS Enhanced Infrared Southern Plains Satellite (click here for 12 hour loop) 

This system has a high water vapor content. There is a lot of energy within it.

Two hours ago the current system began to form.

The current satellite is below, kindly note the forming intense system south of Texas - Mexico Border.

May 31, 2013
UNISYS Enhanced Infrared Southern Plains Satellite 

Below is a water vapor satellite from four hours ago. There is little density in the area of Oklahoma and Texas, however, the larger vortex system has peripheral flow that became saturated with heat and sun rays which are about 15 degrees from direct.

It would be good if there were hurricanes, but, currently there is no evidence of any.

May 31, 2013
UNISYS Water Vapor US Satellite (click here for 12 hour loop)

The point is when "Tornado Watch" is in effect, people need to move to a ready status to take shelter UNDERGROUND. It is never prudent to believe any tornado will be a minor tornado. It is far too hot within the troposphere to expect anything less than the worst. A reaction of alarm to move to shelter is prudent. It is necessary.

May 31, 2013
UNISYS Water Vapor US Satellite

No one alive can out guess these storms. There is no reason to understand anything except a dire emergency when the word tornado is spoken.

It is the HEAT.

This system has been dropping vortices for 90 minutes now.

May 31, 2013
The Weather Channel Temperature Map

The angle of the sun changes as Earth turns and it diffuses through the atmosphere differently. It is a combination of the surface heat building up through the day time hours and the concentration setting sun light rays that define an eruption such as this. But, the real culprit is the water vapor which absorbs the heat and retains it. This particular storm is exhibiting rain wrapped tornadoes and again it has a water vapor source off the Equator.

May 31, 2013
UNISYS Water Vapor north and west hemisphere satellite (click here)

There is a large tropospheric vortex off shore eastern seaborder USA. That system is carrying water vapor off the Equator into it's central circulation. The circulation north of that offshore vortex center is also connected to the current system effecting the US Southern Plains. It is all that connectedness that is supplying the higher water vapor content fueling the storms.

There are similar temperatures in Southern California and Arizona, however, the water vapor is primarily absent.

It is my opinion, the National Guard from surrounding states need to be 'at the ready.' This is wicked. My best wishes to all.