Sunday, April 21, 2013

Right Wing laws and governance are completely out of touch with reality, the USA Constitution and victimize all of us.

CNN has spoken to a representative for Beth Israel. The suspect in custody is on a ventilator and sedated. He is on a ventilator because there are problems with his throat and he is sedated to prevent him from fighting against the ventilator. The fact he might be resisting a ventilator is not unusual for an intubated patient. The 'gag reflex' will seek to dislodge any ventilator in a patient with an intact nervous system and conscious. At least get that much right. Invoking a 48 hour public safety statute was never a reality. I suppose lawyers would not understand that though.

The endotracheal tube delivers air and oxygen directly to the 'bifurcation' of the trachea. It bypasses any dysfunction of the neck or larynx. The larynx is the voice box and needs air to cause vibration to make a voice. He has no voice for now.