Monday, January 28, 2013

Four Basic Pillars of Immigration Reform. One more pillar and it would be the Quran.

These folks are crossing the Rio Grande River. It is happening as I write this. Fairly confident of that. Okay? Is the USA going to survey the river, put up a wall and hope erosion doesn't change the river's path? It does that, you know. The Rio Grande shifts within it's banks. So, what is USA territory today is not USA territory tomorrow and vice versa.

First Pillar

- Create a tough but fair path to citizenship for unauthorized immigrants currently living in the USA....

That means every stays, right? Everyone in the country now has a path to citizenship. That is what that tells me. No one is being deported or harassed or the victim of any law that will send them to a detention facility as if a criminal.

...that is contingent upon...

Nope, that is not what that says.

...securing our borders and tracking whether legal immigrants have left the country when required:


So, the only way everyone gets to stay is if the borders are secure and I am confident that is all tied up in very definitive terms so the USA knows when they have reached THE THRESHOLD. 

Additionally, all legal immigrants would have to have left when they were required to. Hm. I am sure that is all defined clearly in order to know when we have reached the THRESHOLD. 

But, you know something, if the legal immigrants are still here and haven't left they are illegal immigrants, so does that mean they are a part of the group of illegals that don't have to leave anymore?

Second Pillar

Reform our immigration system to better recognize the importance of characteristics that will help build the American economy and American families;

Character issue, huh? Gee that is a shame. Don't get to stay after all, huh? So, this is not a Pledge of Allegiance said in English problem, this is a character problem. So, basically, all the folks in the USA aren't here to stay either and the country is to set up a huge bureaucratic nightmare that will add grossly ridiculous amounts to the National Debt.

I don't think so. People that are criminals stay and are prosecuted throughout the USA courts without deporting them to terrible governments where they will never know humane treatment. That is how I see it. The character issue of non-Americans is the same as with Americans and if we are to allow illegal immigrants to have citizenship it is all of them regardless of their character flaws.

I am sure I have that wrong and the humane treatment of all currently in the USA will be made clear later in the document.

Third Pillar

Create an effective employment verification system that will prevent identity theft and end the hiring of future unauthorized workers; and,

More money to spend on a system that won't work. The only way illegal immigrants are going to stop coming to the USA (I have said it over and over) is for their country of national origin to actually have a quality of life so they don't want to leave. There is never going to be a water tight verification system whereby illegal immigrants will be stopped. Their immigration can be defrayed through border security and ID requirements for employment using things like E Verify, but it will never be water tight. 

There is already E Verify, I don't see why anything other spending has to exist.

Fourth Pillar

Establish an improved process for admitting future workers to serve our nation's work force needs, while simultaneously protecting all workers.

The only thing this could possibly be referring to is the VISA process and the number of VISAs allowed in the USA per year. This is already tracked by the State and Labor Departments. We don't have to re-invent the wheel on any of this. All we need to do is realize where American citizens are out of work because there are too many VISAs issued every year. That does not take rocket science.

What needs to be done is an independent review of this process to be sure it is honest and not used as a tool for political upticks. You know, destroy unions and wage scales.

Oh, hey, there ya go. Under the First Pillar:

...our legislation will increase the number of unmanned aerial vehicles and surveillance equipment, improve radio interoperability (that is a word),...

What does that mean? Does that mean the drones are going to talk to each other so they can work together to annihilate people?

I need a definition on that word. Seriously. If that word goes to a judge without a through definition the skies will become like The Terminator.


...and increase the number of agents at and between ports of entry.... (At least they are human. They are human aren't they? Okay, good.)

According to lawyers dot calm:

I tried Googling (click here) it but I could not obtain a direct defininition for a "human" as defined by the United States government, either by Supreme Court ruling or as stated in the Constitution. Do they have to be alive? Do they have to have been concieved by sexual reproduction, or would human clones be humans as well?

...The purpose (of this statute) is to substantially lower the number of successful illegal border crossings while continuing to facilitate (LEGAL) commerce.

We will strengthen prohibitions against racial profiling and appropriate use of force, enhancing the training of border patrol agents, increase oversight, and create a mechanism to ensure a meaningful opportunity for border communities to share input, including critiques.

Okay, but, what is the definition of border communities. Is this a unilateral effort of USA border communities or a collaborative effort with Canada and Mexico? Do we involve the State Department in the SHAREHOLDERS to facilitate ongoing communication between citizens on both sides of the border or not? Is this strictly a Homeland Security Function and what effectiveness will be met if there are no active SHAREHOLDER meetings with Mexican citizens and authorities as well? How does the USA effectively know if border communities are actually improving their security if there is no verification from both sides of the border? Does the USA have the right to have this be a unilateral condition of the legislation realizing in reacting to the Shareholder input there might have to be increased drone activities and/or agents and/or National Guard troops in order to satisfy the conditions of the border communities? Basically, can unilateral focus in this way start a war with border countries?

This legislation will exist far beyond the years the authors are alive, so it has to be complete. Otherwise there has to be a sundown provision to end it.

Our legislation will require the completion of an entry-exit system that tracks whether all persons entering the USA on temporary visas at airports and seaports have left the country as required by law.

I've got a problem with most of this stuff. From what I can tell three quarters of it is unnecessary and superfluous. If this is as far as I have gotten and there are all these issues, this is just not going to cut it in application. This provision is not realistic. It also proves there is no infrastructure to determine a THRESHOLD for the requirement that all current visa holders have left the country. There is no way of knowing if the current visa holders have left the country and if there is no infrastructure now, that means a database would have to be built and then the FBI and any other law enforcement would have to access the visas in their area to investigate if those folks are here or not. That is nearly an impossible task and it would take forever to fulfill that THRESHOLD to permit current illegals to obtain citizenship.

Look. We have many wonderful people considered illegal immigrants in the USA that consider this country their home. It would be far better to provide them a 'reasonable' path to citizenship, no different than legal immigrants, but with a delayed status. The Illegal Immigrants would have to register as being in the USA by a certain date, receive an ID and SSI number and after that date no others would be considered eligible. This is not rocket science. The delayed status would encourage legal immigration. And no deportations until after the expiration date to register. All Dreamers registered under President Obama's Executive Order would not need to re-register, they would need to begin their delayed status the day they registered under the Executive Order. Those illegals that have serviced the USA in the military and risked their lives for this country would be given IMMEDIATE and EMERGENT status for citizenship provided they have met all normal requirements.

AND NO DRONES. No exceptions.