Saturday, December 22, 2012

Goin' ta put armed security guards at every church, too?

4 dead, 3 troopers hurt in shootings

Juniata Valley Gospel Church member killed while decorating for church children's party

December 21, 2012
The Altoona Mirror
GEESEYTOWN -- Four people are dead (click here) -- including the shooter -- and three state troopers were injured Friday morning in a shooting incident in Frankstown Township, Blair County District Attorney Richard Consiglio said.

The gunman and two other men and Kimberly A. Scott, 58, of Duncansville are all dead, authorities said.

The gunman is Jeffrey Lee Michael, 44, of Hollidaysburg, and the other victims are Kenneth Lynn and his son-in-law William Rhodes, sources tell the Mirror....

No. The NRA's plan is not costly, it is stupid. Let's just get this over with because otherwise people will actually take this 'notion' seriously. The NRA's idea of fun is always pure stupidity.

Schools: NRA plan is costly (click here)

11:52 PM, Dec 21, 2012 

Some local school officials say armed security is one possible way to increase security at schools, but it shouldn’t be the only step considered....

ASA Hutchinson is vying to be the first on the NRA block to have 'tunk 
somethin' up to please the NRA. He didn't want to be copy cattin' anybody. 
He wanted to say he was the first to kiss NRA butt.

Some high schools already have police on duty because they have tough kids
to handle. It has nothing to do with an idiot coming through the door with an assault weapon approved of by the NRA. There is nothing going to stop aperson brandishing an assault weapon, dressed in black military uniform,
carrying other automatic weapons after having been rejected by the USA 

If Bat Man can do it, so can they.

I don't see school security guards and/or sheriff deputies wrapped in body
armor with a cache of assault weapons and ammunition locked in a hall
closet in fear the 'kids might get into it' stopping anyone armed to the teeth
with weapons we are seeing on the street these day. 

Everyone needs to stop listening to idiots and lying to themselves as if the idiots actually haveanswers. They don't.

The NRA is waiting for the next shooting to take place and state, "See, if ya
all did as we said it wouldn't have happened."

See, the NRA has a problem. They have a real moral dilemma here. They 
have advocated and gotten liberal gun laws and now they are killing kids. So, 
they are trying to 'save face.' Not your face, not your child's face, but, their 
public face.

Has anyone stopped to think about the terror those children when through. The ones that died and the ones that lived. Have ya? Because if you did you would have realized those that died were riddled with bullets and absolutely terrified in the final moments of their lives. The ones that lived clung to the chance they would be rescued by their Mommy and Daddy any moment now. this age are just beginning to understand (click here) several key concepts. For example, they don't totally grasp that death is permanent, inevitable, and happens to everyone, says Michael Towne, a child-life specialist who works with grieving families at the University of California-San Francisco Medical Center.
Nor do they necessarily comprehend that being dead means that the body no longer functions. And no matter how many times you explain it, many 5-year-olds can't really understand what causes death, and they may think of it as something that's temporary and reversible. Even when a parent or a sibling has died, kindergartners often don't see death as something that can happen to them.
Five-year-olds react to death in a variety of ways. Don't be surprised if your child becomes clingy, regresses, or suddenly balks at going to school. After all, his daily routines may have been interrupted, he's struggling to understand why the adults around him are so sad, and the world may suddenly seem ominous to him in a way that it hadn't before....

Where has the sanity in the USA gone? Why would ANYONE trust a gun organization with the lives of their children? Dear God, what is everyone thinking? 

We need gun control in this country and until there is enough of it and the number of guns come down on the street and in the dark crevices of every extremist home we have plenty to worry about. But, seeking to counter the number of guns with more guns is compete idiocy.

STATISTICALLY. What are the chances of winning a million dollars in the Lotto? Really low, considering one might purchase one ticket. But, the stats change when a person purchases more tickets and plays every spin of the wheel.

What is the chance of being slaughtered in an elementary school in Connecticut at the age of six. An age where they don't even know how to conceptualize death? What is the chance of that?

As the number of assault weapons and ammunition on the street goes up the statistics come closer and closer to making every American's life a nightmare and a tragedy waiting around the corner.

If there was one American with one gun and one bullet; what would the chance be of another American being killed with that bullet? Really, really slim. Not only would there be only one killing, but, everyone in the country would know who had the gun, the bullet and would be able to identify any risk at any moment from that danger.

That is just an illustration. But, it is a good way to think about the path our country has taken. 

Not long ago. Not long ago at all, police were armed with only a six shooter. Six bullets in a revolver and they were considered more than sufficient to carry out any attempt to stop a bank robber. 

But, today. 9 mm semi-automatics are standard issue. SWAT teams. And don't even try to understand the weapons of a Police Drug Raid. They know what they are up against before they even know where the drug dealers are.

The NRA plays on the stupidity of fear. They want everyone to believe the more guns in the hands of people the more safe they will be.

Ya wanna know something. The ONLY real danger any gun owner has is from the Grizzly Bear with cubs that might happen on the hunters path. That is somewhat expected in the wilds of nature. The average American today has more danger in their lives from guns than any hunter or any Grizzly Bear.

Now. Are you safer today, since the NRA has pushed sanity in the USA over the cliff? Aren't you tired of listening to idiots? 

Been there, done that.