Sunday, December 09, 2012

Both the Belgians and the Germans claim the right to Reinheitsgebot.

Reinheitsgebot is an official declaration limiting the ingredients beer can be made from. 

The Beligans claim a right to Reinheitsgebot back to the 1400s. 

The Germans state it was from the Purity Laws of 1516.

Reinheitsgebot is a law. It limits beer to four basic ingredients; hops, malted barley, yeast and water. The purity and quality of the ingredients along with the ratio of all the products produces a product sought after by many. The majority of Microbreweries abide by this law.

The Microbreweries like to think of their profession as a craft. As a matter of fact some call them Craft Beers, Specialty Beers or American Specialty Beers to discern them from imports.