Wednesday, April 11, 2012

I didn't take notes for the first half hour of the talk. I simply was in denial to what I was hearing.

At 33:30 minutes.

The Elite of the 1960s lost confidence about race. It was in the 1960s when blaming race for social problems was met with criticism of 'blaming the victim.' So the elite withdrew from judgements and that withdrawal became the behavior of the entire country.

Those judgements caused the Upper Class a loss of self-confidence after the Civil Rights Movement as important as it was. But, the loss of self-confidence of the New Upper Class of 2012 still exhibits this lack of self-confidence. Of course it isn't as though they might be self-involved or anything, but, they need an ego boost to get over their lack of confidence. Wow. What a burden that is, huh?

Just imagine being the New Upper Class and being burdened with changing the entire USA by example. To lift the poor fools in the remaining Middle Class and New Lower Class. Wow. Must keep 'em up at night.

I guess that is why all those sleeping pill commercials, huh? Sort of a public service to the New Upper Class.

Dr. Murray never once gives tribute to the leader of the 1960s Civil Rights Movement. Let me see if I can do this without injecting race and see if anyone recalls the man. 

l.  Married

2. Preacher of God

3. Dressed in suits

4. Spoke English

5. Father to children

6. Advocated morality over violence

7. LIved as an adult in the 1960s

8. Saw the Voting Rights Act of 1965 passed

No, not Johnson. Johnson was never a preacher.

9. Never served in government

10. This is the giveaway. Ready? There was recently, under the Obama Administration, a statue dedicated to him. 

11. A memorial actually

The man at the very center of the Civil Rights Movement was Martin Luther King, Jr. He gave his life for the liberation of his countrymen. Now, the picture of the black community of the 1960s, measured by their leaders could never be accused of demoralizing laborious white men, now can they? 

So, in my opinion, for whatever it is worth, the 1960s was NOT a "Flight from judgement' by the elite. It was more like the behavior of a remorseful realization of the injustice of their predecessors.

The analogies of Dr. Murray goes on and on including the demoralization of the 'Married Class' in the modern ear so that most children are raised in single parent households, especially being born into single parent families. 

He reminds of Cheney when Cheney tries to justify the Presidency of Richard Nixon. He reminds of Bush when Bush states, "Roe v. Wade" was improperly fought. He reminds me of many people of the Right Wing that would like to turn the clock back to a time when the GOP was a glorious party. He reminds me of people that love to pass judgement on others rather than realizing their responsibility in producing a greater and greater POOR in the USA. Their country of opportunity and self-righteousness, including perks like 'The Bush Tax Cuts." 

It would be real interesting to hear the NEW Upper Class state they would like to have the Bush Tax Cuts ended. That would really interesting. Moral even.